  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics
All Issues
1. Relationship Between Outside Directors and Corporate Value Improvement Strategy
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/02.15.2024/001    Author:    Naoto Shigeta, pp. 73-88  
Published online:2024/8/5 10:33:52
2. Supply Chain Transformations Towards Resilience Through Developmental Work Research: Conceptual and Analytical Considerations
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/02.15.2024/002    Author:    Paulo Sergio Altman Ferreira, Rogério de Oliveira,pp. 89-97  
Published online:2024/8/5 10:32:34
3. Tourism Economy in Areas at Risk: Humanitarian Crises, Hospitality Culture and New Development Strategies — The Point on Jordan*
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/02.15.2024/003    Author:    Lucilla Rami Ceci, pp. 98-113  
Published online:2024/8/5 10:31:25
4. Applying AR Assistive Devices to AI Identification of the Number and Body Length of Ornamental Fish
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/02.15.2024/004    Author:    Chi-Yuan Lin, Ju-We Chen, pp. 114-121  
Published online:2024/8/5 10:30:00
5. 20 Years of Solidarity Economy: Psychosocial Approach on Solidarity Economy Practices and Social Sustainability
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/02.15.2024/005    Author:    Eduardo da Conceição Ferreira Junior, Gustavo Carvalhaes Xavier Martins Pontual Machado, pp. 122-131  
Published online:2024/8/5 10:28:19

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