  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

20 Years of Solidarity Economy: Psychosocial Approach on Solidarity Economy Practices and Social Sustainability

Eduardo da Conceição Ferreira Junior, Gustavo Carvalhaes Xavier Martins Pontual Machado 
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Abstract: This article focuses on analyzing the process of community organization and strengthening, highlighting the application of solidarity economy principles that promote social sustainability. Using the lens of Psychosociology, the research was based on interviews with members of the Conjunto Palmeiras community, where the first experience of a community bank in Brazil took place, which implemented self-management practices, appreciation of workers in the organizational structure, reciprocity and relevance cooperation to achieve its objectives. Furthermore, this article contributes to an interdisciplinary perspective by addressing issues of community organization and social sustainability. Finally, the article highlights the challenges of expanding collective actions built locally to a national scale, without compromising social participation, the sense of community belonging and the principles of solidarity economy and social sustainability.

Key words: solidarity economy, social sustainability, psychosociology

JEL codes: Z0, Z1, D, D7

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