  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Tourism Economy in Areas at Risk: Humanitarian Crises, Hospitality Culture and New Development Strategies — The Point on Jordan*

Lucilla Rami Ceci

(La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

Abstract: This essay intends to outline, also trough the acquisition of recent data, a picture of the current situation in Jordan in terms of tourism. Since the end of the 1990s, the author did experience of research with Jordan’s universities and institutions and produced numerous publications on the issues of tourism and cultural heritage about this country. Over the last few decades, Jordan has become a popular destination for both cultural and religious international tourism, due to its archaeological and historical heritage. Jordan largely owes its modernization and the achievement of a certain social well-being to the tourist economy (14% of GDP, in 2014 it was represented by tourism). The international economic crisis and being at the center of an area of conflict and tension for years, is bringing jordan tourism-related activities to their knees. Small and medium-sized local entrepreneurs were previously involved as well as large international holdings. However, the Hashemite kingdom seems to focus precisely on the traditional resource of hospitality. Jordan is now looking for strategies to reinvest, in initiatives for tourism development, what is granted to it by world organizations. To cope with the burdensome commitment of welcoming Syrian exiles and Palestinian refugees, it can represent an incentive for the employment of foreign personnel in tourism and a stimulus to the introduction of new models in education for Tourism.

Key words: tourism, Jordan, humanitarian crises, hospitality, development

JEL code: Z3

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