
- ISSN: 2155-7993
- Journal of Modern Education Review
Current Issue
1. Eurymedon’s “Dilemma”: Utilization of Dilemma in the Teaching of Ancient Greek Language Course in 1st Grade of Lyceum |
Author: Dimitrios Tountas, pp. 157–163 Full-Text PDF 2024/9/18 16:23:10 |
DOI:10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/5–6.14.2024/001, Downloads: 26 |
2. An Interdisciplinary View of the Concept of Sociocultural Practices |
Author: Rodrigo Antonio Rodrigues Alves, Vaneza Cauduro Peranzoni, Domingos Benedetti Rodrigues, Luana Possamai Menezes, Fernanda Marques Milesi Agnolin, Joice Nara Rosa Silva, Paolo Gomes Palmeiro, Camila Carolina Ghuzi Pierezan, pp. 164–170 Full-Text PDF 2024/9/18 16:21:07 |
DOI:10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/5–6.14.2024/002, Downloads: 21 |
3. Description and Evaluation of Theory and Research in Speech Understanding |
Author: Lazaros Kostanasios, pp. 171–174 Full-Text PDF 2024/9/18 16:18:44 |
DOI:10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/5-6.14.2024/003, Downloads: 22 |
4. Curriculum Changes in East Timor: What About Educators? |
Author: Maria Fátima Soares, Maria Palmira Carlos Alves, pp. 175–180 Full-Text PDF 2024/9/18 16:16:34 |
DOI:10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/5-6.14.2024/004, Downloads: 10 |
5. Metaverse Workspaces for Active Learning — Brazilian Oil & Gas Company Case |
Author: Delmir Peixoto de Azevedo Júnior, Jorge Muniz Júnior , Renato Campos, pp. 181–189 Full-Text PDF 2024/9/18 16:13:57 |
DOI:10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/5-6.14.2024/005, Downloads: 12 |
6. Characterization of Subcontracted Human Capital in the Mining Industry in Chile: Subcontracted Workers in the Chilean Mining Sector, Educational Level, Occupations, and Challenges |
Author: Carlos Baldi, F. Pizarro, E. Alfaro, G. Muñoz, pp. 190–202 Full-Text PDF 2024/9/18 16:11:15 |
DOI:10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/5-6.14.2024/006, Downloads: 12 |
7. Architectural Studies in the European Higher Education Area and in Greece: A Comparison Based on Accreditation Reports’ Findings |
Author: Dimitra Th. Konstantinidou, pp. 203–210 Full-Text PDF 2024/9/18 16:08:16 |
DOI:10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/5-6.14.2024/007, Downloads: 13 |
8. Romulus and Remus, the Founding Myth of Rome: A Scenario for Teaching Third-Grade High School Students by Using ICT |
Author: Antonia Matthaiaki, pp. 211–216 Full-Text PDF 2024/9/18 16:04:50 |
DOI:10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/5-6.14.2024/008, Downloads: 13 |
9. Is There Practice Without Theory or Theory Without Practice? |
Author: Maria Elena Yolanda Magaña Barajas, pp. 217–221 Full-Text PDF 2024/9/18 16:03:46 |
DOI:10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/5-6.14.2024/009, Downloads: 10 |