Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

 Post-consumer Waste in the Context of Mercosur

Jorge Villalobos1, and Antônio Carlos Efing2
1. Study Group on Consumer Law and Technological Society, State University of Maringá, Brazil

2. School of Law, Study Group on Consumer Law and Technological Society, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil

 Abstract: In the global scenario from the perspective of socio-environmental justice, the debate on the destination of post-consumer waste, especially those originating from fossil fuels, begins to consolidate. This analytical perspective is based on the consequences directly related to the product's life cycle, from its manufacture to its post-consumer waste. This text focuses on the case of Mercosur countries, which, in terms of waste, generally account for approximately 6% of the total global waste, close to 190 million tons per year, with a projection for 2050 of 300 million tons. Therefore, the debate is fundamental to contribute to the guidance of public policies for the post-consumer waste sector, highlighting that the concept of shared responsibility must be objectively delimited to develop a fair cycle dynamic of circular economy in Mercosur.

 Key words: waste, post-consumer, Mercosur

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