Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Risk Assessment in Housing Complex of the Scientific Sector

Roseli GarcĂ­a Mesa1, 2
1. Center for Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology, Cuba

2. Technological University of Havana, Cuba

 Abstract: Risk management has been designed fundamentally to reduce vulnerabilities that affect the activities of entities and general population, therefore, a correct identification, analysis and management of these is important to contribute to the achievement of the objectives set. However, this procedure has limitations that prevent it from guaranteeing absolute security. As a result, risk management can only provide reasonable security. What has led the different organizations to improve the procedures, techniques and control tools. In Cuba, the risk assessment process is regulated by resolutions issued by different State bodies. This separation in the guidelines has led to situations that undermine the quality of the risk assessment process and its subsequent control, both in the administrative areas and in the entities. The work carried out is based on national and international references that are applied throughout the investment process life, specifically in a building, whose construction stopped almost 30 years ago. Describe the main threats that the property has in its current state. The main result are the identification and qualitative estimation of the risks, which constitutes the basis for their treatment, through the preparation of the investment process that will restore the functionality and destiny of the settlement.

 Key words: risk management, investment process

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