Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Digital Library Innovation Toward the Metaverse Library

Alia Salsabila, Kharisma Agustina, and Anisah Eky Febriani

State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia

 Abstract: The innovation being developed is a digital world called Metaverse. By utilizing Metaverse, digital libraries will become more innovative, interesting, and efficient for users because apart from being able to search for information on the available collections, users can also discuss directly without additional applications. Metaverse-based digital libraries are designed to increase public interest in reading, especially students and students, as well as to develop technology in the library world. The methods used are Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD) and Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD) methods. The software used to develop this library is SandBox. However, due to software limitations, some of the features in the table of functional requirements and use cases cannot be applied. So the available features are not sufficient to realize a fully functional metaverse library. The results of interviews and FGDs conducted concluded that this digital metaverse library is quite interesting because it is similar to an online game that can interact with each other. This library is also the latest innovation with a more enjoyable user experience. But this metaverse library still needs further development.

 Key words: innovation, digital library, metaverse, active discussion

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