Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Symbiotic Architectures: Infrastructure as a Catalyst for Landscapes in the Jacuí River Delta

Lucca Schmidt Osellame

IAAC, Brazil

 Abstract: This paper presents discussions and explorations regarding new ways of intervening with infrastructures located in environmentally sensitive territories. By identifying in the Jacuí Delta a space where socio-environmental fragilities are latent, in contrast to the biodiversity of the local biome and the socioeconomic potential of the archipelago neighbourhood, the task of outlining mediating actions arises. The objective was then a multi-scalar urban intervention project with an approach in the areas of mobility, circular economy, housing, and public spaces, through a methodology guided by the analysis of the management plan of the Jacuí Delta, ecosystemic urbanism, post-extractivism and architectural design influenced primarily by the idea of symbiosis by Michel Serres. With this project, which is placed at the apex between architecture and public policies, we hope to propose design mechanisms for environmental devices that reorganize anthropic-natural relations and reimagine the vocabulary of practices in response to social inequality deepened by climate change.

 Key words: infrastructure, symbiosis, ecosystem urbanism, sustainability, post-extractivism

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