Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Ecological Transition and Spatial Planning

Alves Demétrio

HTC/NOVA FCSH, Avenida Berna 26 C, 1069-061 Lisboa, Portugal

 Abstract: The energy transition, under the terms of current European and Portuguese public policies, towards a rapid decarbonization of society and the economy, justified by the urgent need to combat climate change and its consequences in terms of extreme events of various kinds.

A total electrification of final energy uses is therefore proposed, to be realized by 2050, through the intense use of renewable energy sources with intermittent characteristics. This option implies very significant and extensive land occupation on the Portuguese mainland with RES production/conversion units, mainly wind and photovoltaic.

Such a transformation of land use, most of which is now rustic/rural and forested, will have consequences for land-use planning, the landscape and the local economy that need to be properly considered ex ante.

 Key words: transition, energy, spatial planning, land use, territorial economy

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