Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Analysis of Non-Predictive Patterns of Non-Ionizing Radiation

Mario Figueroa de la Cruz, and Roberto Daniel Breslin

Catholic University of Salta (UCASAL), Argentina

Abstract: Non-ionizing radiation is a subject of continuous debate despite having been regulated internationally and at the level of organizations of all countries. This debate is focused on the level of population exposure to non-ionizing radiation density, since there is no certain evidence of the level of safety of the values adopted ranging from 0.2 mW/cm2 to 0.2 uW/cm2 according to the regulations of each state. The radiation precisions are made with models that evolve to take into account the most of the factors that can attenuate the radiation emitted from an antenna from free space to models that take reflection and diffraction as attenuation factors. However, our work deepens in a phenomenon that is verified in measurement campaigns that is the one of values that do not fit with predictive models and that on the contrary instead of showing attenuation, have higher values than expected. For an adequate analysis of environmental factors we have designed a specific protocol to carry out this type of measurements. This work shows the results of observation campaigns using the non-predictive pattern measurement protocol for these points and their relationship with environmental conditions, which present diverse probabilities to explain their condition.

Key words: non-ionizing radiation, population exposure, antennas, cellular telephony, non-predictive protocol

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