Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Simple Stress Quantitative Evaluation for Healthcare Using Daily KANSEI Detection with EEG Device —
Relation Between Stress and Healthcare

Yasue Mitsukura1, Brian Sumali1, Takahiro Asano1, Hideto Watanabe1, Yuuki Tazawa2, Taishiro Kishimoto2,
Koichi Fukunaga2, and Masaru Mimura2
1. Department of System & Design Engineering, KEIO University, Japan

2. Department of Neuropsychiatry Keio University School of Medicine Tokyo, Japan

Abstract: In the Global Smart Society, we have many research themes such as smart architecture, smart grid, human-based network and information technologies including the collaboration with many countries. In the case of my researches, we focus on the human stress for the purpose of smart life on the super mature society. Many services that take personal preference into consideration have been provided in recent times. Hence, the process of the determination of personal preference, which was pioneered in Japan and is locally known as KANSEI, has been actively studied. Whereas sensitivity is generally inborn, KANSEI is considered to be a postnatal attribute. There are subjective and objective indexes in the method for determining personal preference. A subjective index is obtained by a questionnaire, whereas an objective index is determined by a bio-signal. In addition, an objective index can be quantified, which enables an objective and engineered approach. Incidentally, there have been many propositions regarding the relationship between an electroencephalograph (EEG) signal and the preference determined by KANSEI in the analysis of a bio-signals. The propositions are based on the idea that “the state of the brain should change if the state of the person changes because the brain governs the mind, consciousness, recognition, and senses”, as well as other ideas. EEG is one of the bio-signals used as indexes for determining preference in the present study. On the basis of our study, we propose various preference measurement systems for the olfactory sense, acoustic sense, haptic sense, taste sense, and visual sense (generally referred to as the five senses) as well as for a combination of the acoustic and visual senses. In this study, we introduce the procedure for measuring the EEG and describe the analysis method. We also describe a sample application of the developed preference measurement systems, namely, “KANSEI analyzer”.

Key words: stress detection, stress quantitative evaluation, healthcare, KANSEI

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