Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Evaluation of Water Quality through the Index of Saprobiedad, in Laguna De Zumpango

Raúl Arcos Ramos, Eduardo Méndez Ramírez, and Ana Luisa García Pérez

Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza, UNAM, Laboratorio de Contaminación Acuática, Mexico

Abstract: The hydrological basins are part of the vast biodiversity in Mexico. However, human activities favor the advancement of pollution. The Zumpango lagoon, located in the State of Mexico (Mexico State), presents problems due to the entrance of wastewater, accelerating the natural process of eutrophication. This study focused on evaluating water quality considering, chemical and biological components. Monthly samplings were carried out from March to November 2017 using five monitoring points at two levels, including: nutrimental analysis, identification of genera and study of phytoplankton diversity using the Shannon and Weiver index. The lagoon was classified using the Saprobiedad index and univariate and multivariate statistical tests were carried out. The results establish that the Zumpango lagoon is shallow and polymictic, the Saprobiedad index determines that the lagoon is a Mesotrophic system, the physical and chemical parameters determined that the main cause of contamination is organic matter, producing ideal conditions for the growth of phytoplankton. . The multivariate analysis; He indicated that the nutrients are significant for the behavior of the system. Therefore, it is concluded that the Zumpango lagoon is a contaminated system (Alpha-meso saprobio), abundant in nutrients and phytoplankton (Phormidium, Nitzschia, Microcystis).

Key words: eutrophication, pollution, phytoplankton

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