Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

The Socioeconomic Disparity in a City is Inversely Proportional to Its Intelligence and Sustainability

Kelem Jordao1, Bianchini D.2, and Iano Y.3

1. Kelem Christine Pereira Jordão UNICAMP, Brazil
2. David Bianchini PUC Campinas, CEATEC, Brazil

3. Yuzo Iano UNICAMP, FEEC, Brazil

Abstract: The higher the socioeconomic disparities within the urban area, the bigger the obstacles for building smart and sustainable cities. Such a scenario may be observed in places where there are poverty, hunger, poor education and infrastructure, diseases, lack of environmental care, gender inequalities, among others, which are found in increasing dominance. The outcome of such a scenario is typical of places which are constantly hindered to be transformed or developed. Smart cities are at odds with such a stagnant trend, since they adopt sustainability practices as one of its concepts. A new insight arises therefrom: work on city issues by focusing on its development and prosperity. The aim of this work is to describe possible solutions regarding urban mobility, which would be able to boost the smart and sustainable development of the city. This could be done by mapping different existing realities and by open management, along with the engagement of citizens. Information technologies are crucial, be them free or open source, which would provide efficient, structured and affordable solutions to public management. The expected results, besides social and economic development of the city, also include innovation roadmaps, progress, social inclusion, synergy, and a better alignment of different areas within the urban area.

Key words: smart city, sustainability, socioeconomic disparities

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