Technology and Engineering
- ISSN: 2333-2581
- Modern Environmental Science and Engineering
The Agile Scrum Method, Evolution and Application in Project Management
Juan Ignacio Martínez1,2,3, and Miguel Comino López4,5,6
1. National University of Luján, Argentine
2. National University of Rosario, Argentine
3. Valuation Consultants Dumrauf & Asociados (La Lucila, Bs. As.), Argentine
4. Catholic University of Murcia, Spain
5. University of León, Spain
6. University of Oviedo, Spain
Abstract: This paper addresses how companies are evolving in project management through the use of agile methods, such as Kanban and Scrum. For several years, companies used the fundamentals of project management from the Project Management Institute. Different industries were working with other standards: Agile, BIM, IPMA ICB, Lean, Open PM2, Prince2. The agile approach revolutionized the way teams work and enabled the adaptation of the project management processes.
Key words: agile, knowledge, methods, processes