Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Governance for Urban Sustainability and the Land Regularization

Maykon Fagundes Machado, Zenildo Bodnar, and Kaira Cristina Silva

Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), in Itajaí (SC), Brazil

Abstract: This research aims to study urban governance performed from a sustainable point-of-view that could enable it to encompass the city in every aspect and to ensure the safeguarding of individual and collective rights. Its specific aim is to emphasize how important is the land regularization in the urban context as an instrument to grant the effectiveness of the right to housing — in special to the part of the population that lives in precarious conditions and needs the public policies to support them — by converting tenure into a property. The research leads to the conclusion that comprehending sustainability — that is, perceiving the web of life, understanding the interconnection of the human being, environment and the nonliving components in a systemic relationship — is vital nowadays. The Inductive approach with bibliographical research was the method adopted to apprehend the justification for the topic and to elaborate this scientific article.

Key words: urban governance, land regularization, sustainability

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