Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Sustainability in Creative Projects: Biophilia Contributions

Alice Araujo Marques de Sá, and Dianne Magalhães Viana 

Graduate Program in Design, University of Brasília, Brazil


Abstract: The field of biophilia focuses on the innate connection between humans and nature, seeking to promote well-being and quality of life. With this definition in mind, a literature review was undertaken to investigate its contributions to stimulating sustainability in creative projects. Therefore, the descriptors “biophilia” and “sustainability” were used to search the Scopus database from 2003 to 2020. After applying multiple filters, 22 articles were identified covering the themes of urban green spaces, urban biodiversity, gardens, green infrastructures, management of space resources, sustainable policies and certifications, and community environmental projects. It was concluded that the application of biophilic principles stimulate new projects in design, architecture, and urbanism that provide opportunities for the “restoration” of the body and mind, and that can also converge with sustainable aspects. Investigations in other databases are suggested for further understanding the subject, namely in the Brazilian scenario.


Key words: biophilia, bioinspiration, sustainability, regenerative design, creative projects

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