Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

The Impact of Verticalization of Buildings on Microclimatic Conditions in Tropical Hot and Humid Climate*

Samuel Bertrand Melo Nazareth, Natacha Seabra De Freitas, and Maria Augusta Justi Pisani

Mackenzie Presbiterian University, Brazil

Abstract: Urbanization significantly changes the microclimate of contemporary cities. This process causes an increase in urban density and has a direct influence on the morphological characteristics of cities. This study analyzes the aerodynamic interactions at the pedestrian level in a scenario of possible verticalization of the buildings in an urban center located in a hot and humid climate in the Northeast of Brazil. The research method consisted of an exploratory analysis, where the computational tool ANSYS was used to simulate two scenarios. The results showed that verticalization in the studied area enhanced ventilation at the pedestrian level in the East-West axis and reduced it in the North-South axis. In the leeward of the buildings, regions of air recirculation between the buildings were detected, which can lead to a decrease in the quality of urban air. It is concluded that the verticalization of buildings can cause undesirable effects for pedestrians, mitigate the ventilation capacity of buildings and reduce urban healthiness.

Key words: computational fluid dynamics, urban ventilation, verticalization

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