- ISSN: 2333-2581
- Modern Environmental Science and Engineering
Radon EEC in the Southern Region’s Preschool and School Institution’s Buildings of the Republic of Tajikistan
U. M. Mirsaidov, S. V. Muminov, Bakhtiyor Barotov, I. U. Mirsaidov, and Sh. R. Murodov
Abstract: A study on the radon concentration levels in the preschool and school institutions building premises of the Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan have been carried out. The volumetric activity of radon measured by the integral method using Radtrak track exposure meters. Exposure meters were installed to carry out measurements for 3 months during the heating and warm seasons in the same rooms. 264 premises have been examined in 18 kindergartens and 48 schools at Khatlon region districts. The calculation results of the equivalent equilibrium concentration (here and after EEC) of radon in rooms at different floors during the heating and warm seasons presented in the article. The average annual values of the equivalent equilibrium concentration of radon in the kindergartens and schools premises are in the range of 43-111 Bq/m3. The average value of the annual equivalent equilibrium concentration of radon on the ground floors is equal to 72 Bq/m3, on the first -55 Bq/m3. It is shown that both for individual periods and on average over the year, the average values of the equivalent equilibrium concentration of radon in rooms on the first floors are always lower in relation to the ground floors of buildings. It has been determined that the radon and its daughter products of its decay contribution to the average annual effective equivalent dose of exposure of children when they stay in the premises of schools and kindergartens in Khatlon districts is equal to 0.53-1.7 mSv/year.
Key words: radiation safety, volumetric activity, radon monitoring, track detectors, Khatlon region