Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Sustainable Landscape Management in the Extreme South Brazil Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve (WNBR)

Júlio Deuner Konrath

Research Group on Environmental Management and Conflict Negotiation, Rio Grande do Sul State University, Brazil


Abstract: This work presents focuses the landscape management context of seminatural forests remnants form the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve (WNBR) in the extreme South Brazil. Its objective is to present the exploratory approach employed to assess the biodiversity significance and to identify the socioeconomic and perception/behavior aspects relevant to the conservancy support. And to discusses the scientific results meaningfulness and environmental political deployments for the emergency need of more effective approaches for territorial biodiversity conservation assessment and sustainable development policy. Twelve years after of independent researches and development projects about the sociobiodiversity value of the Ferrabraz Mountain Ridge, an environmental licensing process of electric energy transmission (LT 525 kv Capivari do Sul – Guaíba III) motivated a environmental citizenship that fought against the license approval and contributed in an unexpected way to the creation of an regionally relevant conservation unit in the highest populated region of Rio Grande do Sul state. Thus, so far beyond the brand-new scientific communication our purpose is warning for the urgent need to bring science and environmental policy together, in face of many ongoing hurry environmental licensing process of energy transmission.


Key words: sustainable landscape management, Brazilian Atlantic Forest World Biosphere Reserve, environmental licensing policy of electricity transmission

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