Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Agronomic Efficiency of Rizóbios in Cowpea in the Central South of Ceará Region

Marcos Antonio Vieira Batista, Taiane de Almeida Pereira, Gleyciane Rodrigues Lins, Jonas Vinícius Pereira da Silva, and Lúcio José Vieira Silva

Federal Institute of Education, Brazil

Abstract: The symbiosis of cowpea with atmospheric nitrogen-fixing bacteria can increase productivity and decrease production costs. Thus, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of selected rhizobia strain for cowpea in Iguatu-CE soil and climatic conditions. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, with four replications. The treatments were as follows: T1-planting with seeds inoculated and without nitrogen fertilization; T2-planting with nitrogen fertilization and without inoculated seeds; T3-Planting with nitrogen fertilization and inoculated seeds and T4-control, with only one variety of beans. The agronomic efficiency of the strain was analyzed by plant height, fresh mass of nodules, dry mass of nodules, fresh mass aboveground part, dry mass aboveground part, number of nodules per plant and productivity. There was a significant difference for all analyzed characters except plant height. The highest fresh mass of the aerial part and the greatest mass aboveground part were obtained from beans that were just inoculated. The highest productivity was obtained in treatment 2 (beans fertilized without inoculation), not differing statistically from treatments 1 (inoculated without fertilizer) and 3 (inoculated and fertilized). The worst productivity was control, 41% less than the maximum value obtained and 30% less than just inoculated beans.

Key words: Vigna unguiculata, nitrogen, symbiosis

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