- ISSN: 2333-2581
- Modern Environmental Science and Engineering
Using the Natural Distribution of Force to Improve the Bearing Capacity of the Soil-Cement Column Tool
Abstract: The improvement of soil-cement column foundations is an increasing area of interest. In addition to the advantages of soil-cement columns, they have many deficiencies. One of the deficiencies is that the operator may not use the entire bearing capacity of the working tool. This article provides an effective way to utilize the bearing capacity of the working tool. The solution to this problem is based on the disappearance of force-carrying particles. The working tools interact with the soil, and the loosened appearance of the particles can affect the durability of the tools. The tool operates in a stress-changing environment. Currently, the design of the tools mainly focuses on the critical stress and is not based on the physical nature mentioned above. The sensors used for this tool are very small in size. Therefore, the sensors can detect changes in the force value and transmit data to computers for processing. Based on the results of this study, the author provides suggestions to increase the operability of the tools. In addition, this research provides a new type of design that complements traditional design based on the stress and strength of materials.
Key words: new, principle, ground, controller, machine, force