Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Analysis of Contribution to Environmental Safeguard Based on Gender: A Case Study of Kabul, Afghanistan

Yasin Mumtaz1, Ashutosh Shukla1, and Rashid Mumtaz2

1. Department of Civil Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Japan

2. Department of Environmental Engineering, IHE Delft University, Netherlands

Abstract: This paper evaluated the participation of male and females in environmental activities based on their level of literacy, transportation choice, diet, garbage-dumping methods and several other factors. The target area for this study was Kabul, Afghanistan, the primary data was gathered through interviews and a questionnaire including 30 questions in multiple-choice themes where a total of 2240 people took part. Authors also presented a correlation of living area with various variables for both gender categories and the including education and their environmental activities. Overall, it was found that, only 22.22 percent of females had proper environmental awareness, 47% of females lack the right to make decision regarding how to keep the environment safe within urban areas while in rural areas the percentage was significantly lower. Moreover, the age group 18 to 30-year-old were found more concerned about their living environment, and 79.41% and 69.44% of males both from females and males’ points of view respectively, were devastative to their environment. Finally, it was observed that while females severely lack awareness and right to make decisions, yet, they were the highly affected and concerned for their surrounding environment, lastly, females were found more environmentally friendly and conservative then males.

Key words: gender, environment, awareness, contribution, sustainability

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