Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Application of New Water Meter Management Technologies Based on Financial Economic Feasibility Studies

Luiz Claudio Drumonda1, and M. V. Penido2
1. Micrometering Department, Rio de Janeiro State Water Supply Company, Brazil

2. Doctorand, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Abstract: Velocity water meter after a time of use create wear and begin to record lower consumption instead of the real. Water supplied and non-revenue represents a loss by sub-measurement and can significantly impact a water company’s revenues. Identify worn meters in water system is an essential premise for maintaining proper control over billing. It requires a more technical and careful approach, based on the management of the micrometering criteria. Water meters may have different performances depending on the manufacturer and technology. With a laboratory analysis is possible to identify the point at which type of meter present highest sub-measurement. The present work aims to present a method of analysis that allows to identify worn meters in water system, based on a study of financial economic feasibility determine which customers apply velocity water meters, volumetric meters or electronics meters known as static meters.

Key words: sub-measurement, static meters, economic feasibility

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