Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

The Effects of Adding Agricultural Lime and Organic Matter in the Yield of Manioc Roots (Manihot esculenta Crantz) 

Carlos Alberto Servín Estigarribia, and Julio Renán Paniagua Alcaraz 

Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay 


Abstract: The use of agricultural limestone and organic matter in the crops is given to increase the yield of the same, among these crops can be mentioned to the manioc, which needs to be paid to express all its potential in the field. A comparative experiment between different treatments is presented below. Four treatments were included, differentiated between control (without anything), combination of agricultural limestone and organic matter, agricultural limestone only and only organic matter, the analysis of variance (ANAVA) and the comparison of means were performed with the Duncan test at 5% error probability. The performance of manioc roots under each treatment was visualized. Result: The superior yield obtained by adding agricultural lime and organic matter, these additives incorporated into the soil have exceeded the average conditions of said soil for the growing of crops, such effect could be observed just by simply observing the vegetable ground covering of the soil caused by the crops and in the roots at the moment of the harvest. The application of agricultural lime and organic matter produced improvements in the yield of manioc roots and the increase in performance with the application of both additives was greater than 75%. 


Key words: manioc, agricultural limestone, organic matter, roots and yield 

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