Technology and Engineering
- ISSN: 2333-2581
- Modern Environmental Science and Engineering
Ball Lightning, Crustal Diagnosis, Hydrocarbons Deposits
Valentino Straser
Italian Ministry of Education, Italy
Abstract: Luminous phenomena in the atmosphere occurring in various zone of the world, and only few years ago the scientist are attracting from this. The physical mechanism that regulates the light phenomenon has not been fully understood yet. Various hypotheses that are being formulated about it. The anomalous luminous phenomena are connecting with the faults and magnetic anomalies. One of the hypothesis proposed this study, is the relationship between hydrocarbon reservoirs and luminous phenomena in the atmosphere, near the oil fields. This survey held in the Po Plain Valley in Italy for five years. The scope of this study is to analyze the different type of ball lightning distinguish on the base of energy emitted by the luminous globes, and the potential application for crustal diagnosis in tectonic areas and for the preliminary investigation of hydrocarbon deposits.
Key words: anomalous luminous phenomena in the atmosphere, crustal diagnosis, pre-seismic signals, hydrocarbons, plasmas