Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Overcoming the Fukushima Accident by Teaching Radiation in Compulsory Education Using Active Learning

Hiroko Miyuki, and Keiichi N. Ishihara
Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Abstract: This study investigates effectiveness of radiation education using active learning to Elementary and Junior High school students (N = 989) based on the classes-on-demand which delivered from April, 2014 to March, 2015. The classes are designed as (1) 45 min. for elementary students, (2) 90 min. (two consecutive 45 min. classes) for upper elementary and junior high school. Common learning goals are to acquire basic knowledge of radiation and its risk also to gain interest on the subject. Active learning is emphasized when designing the classes. World Café Miyuki version (Me-you Café: discussion method which based on chains of brainstorming that lead to discussion, recap and presentation) has been strongly recommended as one of the learning activities in the radiation classes and performed in over 90% of the classes delivered as the classes-on-demand. As change in the perceived reactions before and after the class, the participants learned basic knowledge of radiation and its risk as well as gained interest in learning more. Teaching radiation as class on demand, not only the targeted students learned about radiation, but observed teachers have acquired the knowledge of the subject. Also, it is suggested that Me-you Café has deepened and broadened children's idea of radiation.

Key words: radiation education, classes on demand, compulsory education, active learning, World Café Miyuki version (Me-you Café)

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