Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2333-2581
  • Modern Environmental Science and Engineering

Sediment Disaster Management Information System Established for the Reservoirs in Southern Taiwan

Tsai-Tsung Tsai1, Kuang-Jung Tasi2, Chjeng-Lun Shieh1, and Yie-Ruey Chen2
1. Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
2. Department of Land Management and Development, Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan
Abstract: Typhoon Morakot seriously attack southern Taiwan awaken the public awareness of sediment disasters. Sediment disasters have negative effects on the operating functions of reservoirs. To decrease the risk of these disasters within reservoir watershed, the establishment of a powerful tool for hazard mitigation / disaster prevention is necessary. Real time data and numerous archives of engineering data, environment information, photo, and video, will not only help people make appropriate decisions, but also bring the biggest concern for people to process and value added. The study collected various types of data about these reservoirs and tried to
define some basic data formats / standards, then provide a management platform based on these formats / standards. Meanwhile, to satisfy the practicality and convenience, the disaster management information system is built both provide and receive information, which user can use this disaster management information system on different type of devices. The IT technology progressed very quickly, the most modern system might be out of date anytime, to provide long term service, the system reserved the possibility of user define data format/standard and user define system structure. The system established by this project was based on HTML5
standard language, and use the responsive web design technology. This will make user can easily handle and develop this disaster management information system.
Key words: disaster management information system (DMIS), sediment disasters, Zengwen Reservoir, Nanhua Reservoir, Wusanto Reservoir

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