Technology and Engineering

- ISSN: 2333-2581
- Modern Environmental Science and Engineering
Risk Assessment of Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Structures in the Earthquake Active Zones
Juraj Kralik
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinskeho 11, Bratislava, Slovakia
Abstract: This paper gives the results of the risk-based safety analysis of the seismic resistance of the NPP (Nuclear Power Plants) in Slovakia. The probabilistic assessment of NPP safety analysis is presented. On the base of the geophysical and seismological monitoring of locality the peak ground acceleration and the uniform hazard spectrum of the acceleration was defined for the 10 000 years return period using the Monte Carlo simulations. There is showed summary of calculation models and calculation methods for the probability analysis of the structural safety considering load, material and model uncertainties. The algorithms to generate a synthetic ground motion accelerogram compatible with a response spectrum taking soil damping into account is presented. The numerical simulations were realized in the system ANSYS. The results from the reliability analysis of the NPP structures are presented.
Key words: earthquake, probability, safety, NPP, ANSYS