Technology and Engineering

- ISSN: 2333-2581
- Modern Environmental Science and Engineering
Using Solid Wastes of Tikrit City to Produce Electric Energy
Muzher Mahdi Ibrahem1 and Khalid Ahmed Salih2
1. Petroleum & Minerals Engineering College, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Saladin Province, Iraq
2. Collage of Engineering, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Saladin Province, Iraq
Abstract: In the present work, the feasibility of production electric power from solid waste of Tikrit city by incineration and anaerobic digestion is investigated. The work is divided into two stages. In the first stage, 1167 samples of solid waste taken from four different sectors of Tikrit are collected and analyzed. Depending on the results of the first stage, it is found that 112865750.5 kWh can be produced by incineration (supply 84000 capita). In the second stage six anaerobic digester are designed and constructed in order to produce biogas. The results show that 194.286 ml of methane can be produced per each 1 kg of solid waste daily. This mean that 1653160 m3 of methane can be produced from 233120.085 ton of solid waste produced from Tikrit city each year. This quantity of methane can produce 378892.6 KWh (supply 2200 capita).
Key words: solid waste, biogas, anaerobic digester