  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics
All Issues
1. Disclosure of CSR over the Firm Life Cycle in Japan
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/01.10.2019/001    Author:    Kentaro Noda, Masayuki Matsuyama, pp. 1-16  
Published online:2019/9/27 14:21:37
2. Engaging Employees in the Innovation Process
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/01.10.2019/002    Author:    Bruce D. Fischer, Holly B. Bachman . pp. 17-23  
Published online:2019/9/27 14:20:12
3. The Webmosphirics Effects on Shopping Behavior: The Influences of Web Page Color Displays on Online Impulse Purchasing Intention
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/01.10.2019/003    Author:    Chih-Huang Lin, Ting-Yu Liu, pp. 24-32  
Published online:2019/9/27 14:18:29
4. The Chinese Way Total Quality Management
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/01.10.2019/004    Author:    Kuan Sheng-Pin, Perng Horng-Linn. pp. 33-49  
Published online:2019/9/27 14:16:33
5. Success Factors and Boundary Conditions for Technology Parks in the Light of the Triple Helix Model
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/01.10.2019/005    Author:    Adriana Ferreira de Faria, Juliane de Almeida Ribeiro, Marcelo Gonçalves do Amaral, Jaqueline Akemi Suzuki Sedyama. pp. 50-67  
Published online:2019/9/27 14:14:37
6. Competences on Culture of Peace and Human Security
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/01.10.2019/006    Author:    Gabriela Areli Cruz Sotelo. pp. 68-77  
Published online:2019/9/27 14:13:13
7. The Structural Functions of Consumer and Business Confidence Indices in OECD and Alterations on Financial Policies
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/01.10.2019/007    Author:    Ahmet Niyazi Özker. pp. 78-87  
Published online:2019/9/27 14:11:35
8. Government Guide to Sustainability Impact Assessments
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/01.10.2019/008    Author:    David Novak .pp. 88-93  
Published online:2019/9/27 14:08:08

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