  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Matrices of Regional Redistribution of Argentinean Public Revenue and Its Political Appropriation

Roque Ruarte Bazán
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Universidad Nacional de Chilecito, Argentina)

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to show the matrices that allow to explicitly read cross fiscal transfers that occur among the 24 provinces as well as among the 24 national districts, which derive of the application of the present system of collection and distribution of public funds administered by the central government. In the analysis, the collections made by the provinces were incorporated. Here, these matrices are being related to the partial appropriation of those funds by certain regional political elite in the current democratic period.

Key words: fiscal federalism; regions; political elites; Argentina

JEL codes: H71, H73, H77

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