  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Legislation and Working Women in Portugal—Since the End of Nineteenth Century to the 1940s

Virgínia Baptista
(Contemporary History Studies Centre, Lisbon University Institute, Portugal)

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to discuss the State legislation concerning Portuguese working women, especially mothers. Working women, mostly in their reproductive age, were a significant reality in the labour market in Portugal during this period. We have the objective to reflect upon the political and social role of the State in what concerns daily working hours and working mothers and children protective legislation. We want to answer two main questions: what were the social and economic consequences of these laws for women? Did the State legislation benefit or discriminate women? Both workers and women’s organizations highlighted these questions in congresses, conferences, newspapers and academic dissertations. Following the Marshall study about the citizenship evolution process we conclude that only in the thirties women achieved restricted social rights which were at the origin of the Welfare State for women in Portugal.

Key words: working women; “protective” labour women legislation; maternity, origins of welfare state for women in Portugal

JEL codes: H75, H76

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