- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
Measuring Company Management Efficiency: The Case of Real Sector of Economy
Anna Svirinaļ
(Kazan National Research Technical University, Russian)
Abstract: The paper presents theoretical framework for measuring managerial efficiency applicable for goods and services producing companies which based upon the closed list of general management functions introduced in the paper. The list of formalized and non-formalized criteria of management functions performance quality is formed within the suggested framework on the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis. This set of criteria is used in order to estimate company’s management quality rating which becomes the basis for management result estimation. It is also assumed that management system is costing company more than direct costs on its maintenance. The criteria of management entropy are presented in the paper, and this criterion is used for estimating real costs of management system performance. Henceforth efficiency of company management performance can be estimated as a ratio of corrected results and costs of management system performance.
Key words: performance and effectiveness; organization; structure; conceptual
JEL codes: M00, M10