  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

An Analysis Business Ethics and Performance Management towards Sustainability Retail Traditional in Indonesia

Christina Whidya Utami, Agustinus Ryadi
(Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Indonesia)

Abstract: Retail business is a business that has a high success opportunity in Indonesia. It is stated so as it is supported by the increasing customer needs and the shifting patterns of customer shopping behaviour. Since liberalization retail sector established in 1998 in Indonesia, the competition that occurs between modern retails does not only involve the local investors but also foreign investors. Therefore, the traditional retail business should be more sensitive in responding to competition and market changes if they want to keep exist in this competitive retail business. In order to give efforts to accelerate the existence of traditional retails, business ethics factors and managerial performance should be developed as the main strategy. A sample of this study is the traditional retailers who have been selected through judgment sampling method. A questionnaire is used to explore more on Primary data in order to identify and analyze the business ethics and management performance, including: procurement, capital, and marketing, toward the successful efforts in improving the welfare of the traditional family retail. The results of this research prove that business ethics has a positive and significant influence on management performance of traditional retail business. However, the influence of retail management performance against sustainability of traditional retail business highly depends on the marketing aspect as the most dominant influence. Understanding the human aspects of business ethics and managerial skills are important elements in achieving sustainability of traditional retail business as shown in the findings of this research.

Key words: business ethics; management performance; sustainability of traditional retail business

JEL code: M21 

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