  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Data Warehouse Implementation Success Factors and the Impact of Leadership and Personality on the Relationship between Success Factors

Thiti Phiriyayotha, Siriluck Rotchanakitumnuai
(Thammasat University, Thailand)

Abstract: Literature suggests that various implementation factors play critical roles in the success of an information system implementation. However, there is little empirical research about the implementation of data warehouse projects. A data warehouse system has unique characteristics that may impact the importance of factors that apply to it, in terms of organization culture, technical tools, management support, user involvement, quality of data sources, self-efficacy, knowledge sharing and clear objective, scope and goals. In addition, the leadership of a team manager and the personality of team members also affect success. A project is an on-going process, and it is hardly possible for one person to process all relevant disciplinary knowledge and single-handedly integrate it successfully. Team members must work together effectively to produce successful data warehouse systems. This study explores a model of a data warehousing success in Thailand, the effect of a project manager’s leadership style and the team members’ personality types affecting the factors. The data for analysis has been gathered from a sample of 164 data warehouse project members, namely, the project manager and team member. A simplified classification based on the DISC model is used to categorize personality types. The results from a regression analysis of the data identified a significant correlation between all factors and the success of the data warehouse system’s implementation. In addition, the difference in leadership style affected the quality of data sources related to success and clear objective, scope and goals related to success. On the other hand, a difference in the personality of team members affected user involvement related to the success and knowledge sharing in relation to overall success.

Key words: data warehouse; success factors; leadership; personality

JEL code: M15

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