- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
The Eco-tourism in the Coastal Region of Oaxaca: Between Development and Commonality
Rosa María Velázquez- Sánchez1, Jesús Gómez-Velázquel2, Adriana Flamenco-Hernández2
(1. Faculty of Business and Administration, Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca, México;
2. School of Humanities, University of Mexico City, México)
Abstract: The commonality is a concept recently coined to define the sustainability of indigenous communities as stated by Floriberto Robles Díaz and Cardoso (2009). According to SECTUR (2012) ecotourism is different from tourism because it considers that the travelers enjoy the natural environment and the inhabitant’s culture. The concept of ecotourism includes the environment, community and its economic implicit goal. By reviewing studies that analyze the ecotourism in Mexico, ITAM (2008), the interest for the economic element and the enjoyment of the natural environment can be observed. However, the culture of the community has been an element of minor analysis. The community as a component of sustainable development may cause differences in the visitor preference. In this study we analyzed the elements of commonality in ecotourism destinations in the Coastal Region of Oaxaca and the relationship development-commonality from the consumer standpoint. Sustainability indicators were used, including commonality, to analyze thirteen ecotourism services in nine coastal natural places. The sample survey of 85 visitors, included commonality elements, and their preference for the place and their intention to revisit was classified. The results showed that visitors identify aspects of their own culture, their adequacy to development and the signs of local technology in the services they received, as important factors in their tourist destination decisions. The commonality in ecotourism development is related to the project development and the community. The cultural elements of the community explain the development of ecotourism in the coastal region of Oaxaca.
Key words: ecotourism; development; commonality
JEL codes: L83, O13, F18, A13