- ISSN: 2155-7993
- Journal of Modern Education Review
Forces Hindering Development of Mathematical Problem Solving among School Children
Azita Manouchehri, Pingping Zhang
(The Ohio State University, USA)
Abstract: Problem solving has been a consistent objective of mathematics education for over a century and yet improving mathematical problem solving among children remains an elusive goal (Sriraman & English, 2010). Current research indicates presence of misconceptions about the nature of mathematical problem solving among both teachers and learners. In our presentation, we plan to offer an overview of current research on teaching and learning mathematical problem solving to highlight some of these misconceptions. We will draw from our longitudinal research project that examines the development of mathematical thinking among approximately eighty 7th through 9th grade children from 14 different urban schools to illustrate the direct link between instructional approaches used in classrooms and students’ cognition, dispositions towards and during mathematical solving.
Key words: mathematical problem solving, mathematical thinking, mathematics instruction, cognition