- ISSN: 2155-7993
- Journal of Modern Education Review
Characterization of Subcontracted Human Capital in the Mining Industry in Chile: Subcontracted Workers in the Chilean Mining Sector, Educational Level, Occupations, and Challenges
Abstract: The objective of the research is to carry out a demographic characterization of subcontracted workers in the Chilean mining industry using primary sources (through a survey that includes 8 dimensions), identifying the educational level and the relationship it has with other aspects such as gender, age range, among others. The results of the project are related to the research objectives. Regarding occupations and educational level, it was identified that workers with only a basic level of education may be limited to more routine and mechanized functions in each of the identified occupations. In the case of the medium educational level, it was found that the percentage of workers associated with this educational level is high and could be directly related to the age range and the difficulty in accessing university education. Regarding workers with Technical Professional Education, their occupations are related to functions that require higher technical skills and, in some cases, enabling licenses. Regarding the Technical Training Center education level, it was found that this level of education has a close relationship with the most demanded technical careers in the job market. In this field, processes of articulation based on curricular convergence have been developed, and the implementation of procedures for recognizing work experience.