- ISSN: 2155-7993
- Journal of Modern Education Review
Romulus and Remus, the Founding Myth of Rome: A Scenario for Teaching Third-Grade High School Students by Using ICT
Antonia Matthaiaki
(Department of History and Archaelogy, University of Crete, Greece)
Abstract: The New Curricula are aimed at making the teaching of literary courses even more interesting and interactive, primarily through the integration of ICT. This proposal discusses the integration of ICT and Art, use of the group cooperation method, learning through investigative processes, and development of the students’ critical ability in the subject of Latin. The proposed teaching scenario refers to the founding myth of Rome, i.e., that of Romulus and Remus. More specifically, in order to implement the scenario, the following techniques are utilized: enriched narrative, group cooperation teaching, discourse, artistic creation, “speech contests”, and role play. Thus, a dead language becomes attractive and productive for students. At the same time, the students’ self-motivation, creative expression, and empathy are enhanced.
Key words: education, Latin, ICT, group cooperation teaching