  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Bridging Diversity: A Roadmap for Cultural Preservation and Sharing in Southeast Europe

Elira Luli

(Luarasi University, Tirana, Albania)

Abstract: This article delves into the potential pathways and emerging trends for preserving cultural values in Southeast Europe, specifically focusing on the development of bridges that foster heritage, acceptance, and sharing. Recognizing the significance of valuing and safeguarding cultural traditions, customs, and practices, this study aims to address the unique challenges faced by countries in Southeast Europe, stemming from historical divisions, barriers, exclusion, and disinformation. To tackle these challenges, collaborative and participatory approaches in narrative development surrounding heritage and cultural diversity are essential. By involving local and international communities, experts, stakeholders, and civil society in decision-making processes and joint initiatives, positive transformations can be achieved, nurturing enhanced cooperation and understanding. This analysis emphasizes the importance of adopting a forward-thinking perspective that accounts for future developments within the region. By considering these trends, strategic frameworks can be formulated to promote acceptance and facilitate cultural exchange among Southeast European communities. The ensuing discussion explores three key future-oriented scenarios that hold immense relevance in cultivating an inclusive and mutually appreciative environment: “Digital Preservation and Accessibility”, “Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage”, and “Collaborative and Participatory Approaches”. In conclusion, the integration of these scenarios within various programs and activities presents a significant opportunity for Southeast Europe to foster greater interactivity, mutual respect, and harmonious coexistence. The recommendations put forth in this study offer valuable insights for future regional endeavours, harnessing the power of cultural diplomacy and “circular culture framework” to cultivate a more prosperous and harmonized society cantered in Southeast Europe.

Key words: Southeast Europe, cultural heritage, preservation, sharing, participatory approaches, future scenarios

        JEL codes: Z11, Z19, N34

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