  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Inclusion of Children With Developmental Gaps in Kindergartens

Ebtisam Abu Hamad1, Maria Roth2 
(Social Work Department, Babes-Bolyai University, Isreal)

Abstract: This research paper delves into the practice and significance of inclusive education in Israeli kindergartens, with a particular emphasis on children with developmental gaps. We explore the underpinnings of developmental gaps, delineate the myriad benefits of inclusive practices for both typically developing children and those with developmental differences, and analyze the challenges and strategies that educational institutions face in implementing these practices. Through extensive research, collaboration, and observation, the study underscores the essential role of parents, community involvement, and interdisciplinary collaborations in fostering a truly inclusive environment. The paper continuous research, more resource allocation, and public awareness campaigns to bolster and sustain inclusive practices in kindergartens across Israel. This essay aims to explore the inclusion of children with developmental gaps in kindergartens, with a specific focus on the context of Israel. We will examine the principles and policies of inclusive education in Israel and delve into the legal framework and regulations that support the inclusion of children with developmental gaps in kindergartens. Furthermore, we will explore the benefits of inclusion for both children with developmental gaps and their typically developing peers. By analyzing empirical evidence and studies, we aim to shed light on the positive impact of inclusion on the overall development, academic achievement, and social-emotional well-being of all children. The findings will relate to the attitudes and perceptions of the kindergarteners and parents regarding inclusion in kindergartens, the professional development and skills of the kindergarten staff (the kindergarten teacher and the assistant), the challenges in the work of the kindergarten manager and the sources of assistance and support, and the relationship between the kindergarten staff and parents.

Key words: inclusion, early childhood, kindergarten, developmental differences

JEL codes: I, I2

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