  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Primary Education Outcomes and Efficiency: Evidence From the Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey

Elkanah Faux

(Bowie State University, USA)

Abstract: In this study, we investigate factors affecting student reading and numeracy performance in Sierra Leonean Primary Schools. The data utilized for the study is drawn from the Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey (SLIHS) collected in 2018. The SLIHS is the third income and expenditure survey of Sierra Leone that gathers data on household members’ characteristics, agriculture, and consumption. The study uses a binary logit model that links reading and numeracy skills to pupils-specific and socioeconomic factors. The study finds that age, parent education, lack of books, time to reach school, and costs significantly affect primary education outcomes in Sierra Leone. The study suggests room for improvement in learning outcomes in Sierra Leone. Specifically, areas identified for improvement include providing adequately trained teachers and ensuring equitable distribution of schools and education resources across regions.

Key words: primary education, learning outcomes, numeracy rates, reading skills, performance

JEL codes: I210, I220, I260

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