- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
Knowledge Management in Innovative Companies at ManausIndustrial Pole: A Case Study
Elaine Yaskara de Melo Jinkings¹, Roberto Sbragia²
2. Department of Economics, Administration and Accounting, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Abstract: With the geopolitical purpose of integrating Amazon to the national scenario and increasing the low population density of the State of Amazonas, the Manaus Free Trade Zone (ZFM) was created by Law No. 3173/57, expanded by Decree No. 288/67. Manaus Industrial Pole (PIM) currently houses around 400 industrial firms, mainly concentrated in the television, informatics, and motorcycle sectors. The evolution of socioeconomic indicators shows that the incentive program for PIM had positive and relevant impacts throughout its recent history. This movement enabled the creation of a sophisticated industrial park in the region, with high production quality. It also fostered growth of per capita in come, since wages in local industry have remained stable and above the national average in recent years. In addition, it has provided the expansion of education in the region, and the average schooling among industry workers in Manaus is about 3 years higher than the average in several Brazilian major states. This case study involved two PIM companies chosen by convenience, using mainly qualitative analysis techniques to treat data obtained through interviews with managers on the implementation of knowledge management practices and their degree of systematization in their companies. By exploring if knowledge management is linked to innovative outputs in the two firms, we sought to highlight and validate whether a strategy oriented to valuing knowledge is connected to innovativeness. Although with limitations and inaccuracies, the results indicated some differences between the more and less innovative firms regarding the importance of KM systematization.
Key words: innovation, knowledge management, Manaus Free Trade Zone, PIM
JEL codes: M100