- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
Strategic Alliance and Tacit Collusion, of Competitive Advantage Through Market Area, Product Innovation Cooperative Café Timor and National Cooperative Business Association (CCT-NCBA) in Timor Leste
(Widiya Mandala Catholic University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia)
Abstract: This study aims to prove that the implementation of strategic alliance and tacit collusion can increase the competitive advantage of CCT-NCBA in organic coffee production by developing market areas and product innovation. This study aims to prove that implementing a strategic alliance can increase the competitive advantage of coffee organic through developing the market area and product innovation. Based on the results of hypothesis testing and the analysis of strategic alliances, market area, and product innovation against competitive advantage, it is known that building a competitive advantage in the product coffee organic be achieved through the establishment of strategic alliances and tacit collusion right, based on the exchange of raw material resources, technology or resources marketing. Strategic alliances and tacit collusion are used to strengthen the position of organic coffee production in the face of competition organic coffee business. The more precise the model selection strategic alliance and tacit collusion, product innovation organic coffee production will be able to build a competitive advantage of her. The development model of strategic alliances and tacit collusion CCT-NCBA that needs to be developed is to increase the competitive advantage has the form of an alliance focused on cooperation in the provision of raw materials, interest in improving the skills of cooperation, and the application of the production process technology.
Key words: strategic alliance, tacit collusion, product innovation, market area, competitive advantage
JEL codes: O