Technology and Engineering
  • ISSN: 2470-4180
  • Journal of Modern Civil Engineering

Application of Emerging Technologies in Remote Sensing to Process Stored Data and Reduce Environmental Risks

Guillermo Andrés Chinni

Facultad de IngenierĂ­a, Universidad del Salvador, Argentina

Abstract: Remote sensing provides relevant data to monitor and manage information from the environment. Obtaining and processing a wide source of images and signals emitted by various satellites will enable a better understanding of natural systems and those in which humanity inevitably intervenes. However, one impediment to the use and monitoring of the environment has been the need for resource managers to understand the new capabilities offered by a constantly growing variety of image sources and analysis techniques. This work proposes guidelines that will allow resource managers to collaborate more effectively to develop and apply technology integration with applications in environmental management. It is therefore proposed to explore, describe and eventually explain specific cases in which it would be possible to reduce environmental risks and generate new knowledge by applying existing and emerging technologies, such as the case of variations in glaciers. The proposal includes specific case studies and applications.

Key words: environmental risks, monitoring, image classification, glaciers, remote sensing

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