  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

 Public Mobility: What Future? An Analysis of Transport Between Crisis and New Opportunities in Turin Metropolitan Area

Cristina Bargero, Alessandro Dianin
(Ires Piemonte, Economic and Social Research Institute of the Piedmont Region, Turin, Italy)

Abstract: This paper aims to explore current trends and possible solutions for a mobility more oriented towards economic, social, and environmental sustainability. At this juncture, the role Public Transport, following the ASI model, can acquire relevance becoming, at least, complementary to other types of transport in an integrated perspective, pushed by public resources and alternative and by sustainable development models. We present the case of Turin Metropolitan Area that represents a potential hub where it possible to design new scenarios, both for its historical link with the vehicle manufacturing and for its problem of air pollution.

Key words: public transport, mobility; sustainability, avoid-shift-improve model, air pollution

JEL codes: R4, Q5

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