  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Dishonest Attitudes Involving Monetary and Non-Monetary Rewards 

Romulo Fernandes da Silva1, Dryelle Silveira Barbosa1, Mariana Pereira Bonfim1, César Augusto Tibúrcio Silva2 

(1. Federal Fluminense University, Brazil; 2. University of Brasilia, Brazil)

Abstract: Dishonesty is present in different areas, like political, entrepreneurial and academic settings. Understanding how the process of dishonest decision-making functions is crucial in the present society. For this purpose, a questionnaire was applied to analyze human behavior in relation to dishonesty, especially about the differentiation regarding the involvement of monetary and non-monetary rewards. From 5.318 answers it was observed that respondents considered the options with monetary rewards more dishonest than those with non-monetary rewards. Using the chi-square test, it was verified that gender and family income have influence on the choices, whereas age, region of residence, religion and education do not influence. The research findings indicate that rationalization is higher in non-monetary rewards, which may lead to greater dishonesty in these cases.

Key words: dishonesty, behavioral finance, rewards, non-monetary rewards 

         JEL codes: G41, C99

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