  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Abstract: The volume of solids (Prism, Cylinder, Cone and Pyramid) has been of interest to mankind since antiquity. The research arose because in our teaching experience we noticed that many children at the end of High School can’t explain even in simple words the concept of volume, although they satisfactorily recognize the above solids since they have daily experience of them even from the childhood. Theoretically we were based on the pedagogues: Vygotsky and the couple D. & P. van Hiele and in addition on the Neuroscience conclusions. We created a questionnaire for students before and after teaching solids with three levels of questions (30 in totals) corresponding to the three van Hiele levels as a “knowledge measuring tool”. In the Control Group we taught, as every year, with Traditional Teaching.

Then, after we designed, we taught the Experimental Group in a mixed combination of Traditional Teaching and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) with GeoGebra Structures teaching applying Exploratory Learning in Groups of three students. When the lessons were completed, we repeated the same tests and we concluded that, in comparison with the pre-test, there was a positive development for the students who had been taught with the mixed method of Traditional Teaching and ICT. Statistical Analysis was performed using SPSS (Version 25), T-test and ANOVA.

Key words: volume of solids, van Hiele levels, Vygotsky, neuroscience, traditional teaching, and ICT

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