  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Abstract: Social capital is about the quality of relationships and bonds in a society. It can be understood as a resource related to collective consciousness and action, with significant implications for the economy and human well-being. The interest of the academic community in social capital has intensified in recent years, and one of the reasons for this intensity is its importance in the governance, operation and economic development of a society. The concept of social capital is a relatively new idea. Although the conceptual origin is old and part of similar ideas appear in the works of Adam Smith, Alexis de Toqueville, John Stuart Mill and Max Weber, in the modern literature the concept is associated with the work of Pierre Bourdieu (1986), James Coleman (1988) and Robert Putnam (1993), while the latter was the one who made the concept widely known. The bibliographic sources will be searched through online databases, the primary research will be done through electronic questionnaire circulation and the data will be processed with statistical software. The research work with its completion will be a contribution to the study of social capital

Key words: social capital, research, goods, ICT

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