  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Abstract: The present paper presents the complexity in conflict management from the school’s principal point of view. It explores and bibliographically validates that the democratic leadership model is the most appropriate for conflict management within the school environment. The methodology applied in the present paper is bibliographical research. Conflicts can be categorized in cognitive (duty) or emotional, individual or organizational, horizontal or vertical, functional or dysfunctional and occur between teachers, teachers-headmasters, students and parents. The sources-causes of conflicts can be found in external or work environment and individual factors. The consequences of the conflict depending on its management can be either positive or negative. The principal does not avoid conflict but confronts it and takes advantage of it. The headmaster must manage conflict through mediating democratically and aiming at cooperation.

Key words: complexity, conflict management, democratic school principal

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